You Were Born to Thrive
You Were Born to Thrive.
I believe that when teachers are able to grow, become, develop and flourish into their authentic selves, they give their students permission to do the same.
No more pressures of perfectionism because perfectionism keeps you stuck in survival more.
As one of my favorite authors Susan L Taylor puts it, “life is a journey not a destination, we don't arrive at life’s answers all at once…As long as you are alive, you are in the process of becoming.”
I am here to challenge you not to accept surviving as the norm but discover and rediscover what it means to thrive both personally and professionally.
Sadly, the reality is as a classroom teacher I didn’t understand what it meant to thrive and operating in survival mode was unfortunately my norm. I remember one year, one of my students confronted me about my mood and my irritability. You see I thought I was keeping it all together-perfectionism-but eventually my operating in survival negatively impacted my ability to be warm and inviting to my students.
That student confronted me out of love. It hurt at the moment, but helped me in the long run. I’ll share more about that in a future thrive thursday session.
Unknown to me at the time, I had to help my students heal and push them closer to their purpose! They needed me and we need you too!
Don’t allow operating in survival mode to rob you of that gift.
You Are A Gift to Your Students.
You Are A Gift to This World.
You Are Loved and Appreciated.