Support the overall emotional well-being and empower teachers to thrive in the areas of burnout prevention, job satisfaction, professional responsibilities, and the academic success of students.
They end up changing our world" __ Dr. Jacynth Joyce
When teachers thrive, our students, their families, and our communities thrive too!
students impacted by our mission
teachers impacted by our mission
schools impacted by our mission
Thrive Shift is a workshop and assembly series built on the philosophy that when administrators, teachers and students share in the same vision, mission and work together a transformation shift happens-this is the THRIVE SHIFT!
Our expert team engages leaders, teachers and students in research-based, practical, proven and innovative sessions packed with the power of story-telling and strategies to promote change.
You were meant to thrive!
Every decision and event led you to where you are. You were meant for it. You have the power to rewrite moments: from negative to positive; overwhelming to calmness, chaos to solutions. You have done it before and you can do it again.
You Were Meant to Thrive
No more pressures of perfectionism because perfectionism keeps you stuck in survival mode. You see, I thought I was keeping it all together-perfectionism-but eventually my operating in survival negatively impacted my ability to be warm and inviting to my students.
Invite our team to come to your school